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自从雅虎将搜索后端改编为必应之后,该公司就更加专注于内容的生产和优化。正如卡洛尔·巴茨(Carol Bartz)在上个月的年度股东大会上所说的那样,雅虎在新闻,娱乐和其他媒体内容方面仍然蒸蒸日上。因此,雅虎将“全球新闻,体育和金融”列为优先事项。



雅虎在搜索引擎优化方面遇到了两难选择,这在很大程度上要归功于veteran services that still ran on grandfathered systems. In reconstructing those systems, Yahoo made a firm decision to prioritize modern SEO. Many of the changes were most visible through Yahoo News, where article URLs were painfully bad (or “long and non-intuitive,” as David Roth puts it) and the pages were riddled with duplicate content.

Both of these items were resolved in the restructuring of Yahoo News, but to make that happen, Yahoo employed a broader strategy:seo

Executive support was enlisted, and many upper-tier representatives were enthusiastic about SEO.

SEO was built into the development process in a variety of phases, rather than just tagged on at the end.

Yahoo committed to fixing the specific problems that have long been visible but unresolved.

With the positive results, it’s clear that Yahoo’s example is a good one to follow.

[Sources include: the Yahoo Blog & Search Engine Land]
