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喝完一辆价值不菲的咳嗽药水后(出于娱乐目的,而不是减轻痛苦),Marc *意识到,最好向一些社交媒体专业人士询问他们如何处理这种咳嗽糖浆。由于他不想仅使用社交媒体来获得“免费广告展示次数”(也就是品牌提及),因此他要求这些专业人士忽略目前市场上的任何品牌/动态跟踪工具。



Postrank! =)传达跨社交渠道的覆盖面的准确衡量

Shana Albert又名@NannyTweeting


实时对话。您必须参与转换才能听到像真实生活一样的声音。或者也许听到ugh grapevine. Gotta love SM Reporting

Dave Haber @DaveHaber

“web ****ytics”

lol..When u remove social media monitoring tools, real time search & social alerts, it doesn’t leave much..also G-Trends / FB -Insights…

Matt Siltala @Matt_Siltala

For me it’s easy. I use keyword vitals from @blvdstatus but old fashion way: check links, keywords, and make sure I have real time ****ytics

Links gained via ***successful social media campaigns makes for easier and more successful SEO. ****not every campaign is created equal.

Kristy Bolsinger @Kristy

Ooh sure! I don’t report too strongly on those anyway. I focus on traffic, conversion, and downloads.

Kyle Lacy @KylePLacy

Measuring social: Create events and success based off of attendance and products sold. Face to Face measurement

Brian Wallace – @nowsourcing

If I had to measure social w/o brand/buzz trackers or alerts, I’d probably stick with a combo of 站群 Analytics and Yahoo Site Explorer.


I’d look at engagement factors like comments, email/RSS subscriptions, bookmarks, etc. Or more traditional ***社交血型*ytics…. like traffic, referrals, bounce rate, sales, etc. I’d also look into random surveys, focus groups, etc. Even with buzz… about 3 hours ago …tracking other metrics shouldn’t be ignored. They give an understanding of your brand, compe*****s & industry sentiment. about 3 hours ago

* Any resemblance to people real or imagined is purely coincidental. Neither the author nor Search Engine Journal endorse substance abuse.

Gab Goldenberg writes for Red Fly Marketing, an online marketing company offering search engine optimisation 在爱尔兰 。
