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金·帕塞尔(RIP Kim Parsell)

随着金·帕塞尔(Kim Parsell)的逝世,这一年开始令人悲伤。无论您是否认识Kim,您一定都会从她组织WordPress Docs团队的辛勤工作中受益。 Siobhan McKeown在Make Docs博客上发布了一个合适的ary告,并且已经建立了一个致敬网站,任何人都可以添加对她的回忆。


随着Post Status的完整品牌重塑,Brian Krogsgard宣布了Post Status会员俱乐部-这是一个专属俱乐部,专门为希望从Post Status接收最新消息,观点和其他内容的社区付费会员on a regular basis. Members are also added to the public directory so you can showcase your involvement with WordPress and the community.

WordPress CommHub & HelpHub

As the WordPress community and platform has grown, so have the online resources that help people get involved. In an effort to streamline these resources and bring everything together in a more logical way, the Community and Meta teams are hard at work planning the new Community Hub (CommHub) as well as a new help desk/knowledge base dubbed HelpHub. These resources will go a long way towards assisting community members with getting involved as well as helping WordPress users find help where they need it. If you would to help out with building these new resources, jump into the #meta channel on the WordPress Slack.

WordPress 4.2 development

With WordPress 4.1 being released in December 2014, focus has now shifted to the next major release – WordPress 4.2. Drew Jaynes (@drewapicture) has been announced as the release lead –如果您曾经在Core Trac中度过任何时光,那么您很有可能在某个时刻收到他的意见。

除了为WordPress 4.2计划的令人敬畏的新功能外,还将重点关注改善移动用户体验-我觉得这特别令人兴奋。请关注Make Core博客以获取更多信息。


Topher DeRosia于本月推出了一个新的KickStarter,用于一个名为HeroPress的项目。 HeroPress的CommHubcommu既定目标是通过分享社区积累的智慧来发展世界各地的WordPress英雄-可以肯定CommHubcommu,这是一个崇高的目标,但是却遇到了各种各样的反应。就我个人而言,我认为这是一个伟大的倡议,我很高兴看到它的去向。

