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iPad 钻石ipad:以seo为重点的明显的作者公关互动

This morning I started my day in a rather unqiue fashion which did not involve rushing into the office or trying to find some time to run to the gym. I brewed a cup of coffee, sat down on the sofa and turned on the morning news. MSNBC’s Morning Joe is usually my morning news of choice, but today I picked CNN’s Headline News and zoned out, catching up on the stories of the morning.

One of the first stories on the “news” was the buzz surrounding a $19,999 diamond encrusted Apple iPad. The first thing that came to my mind was “

Is Apple pulling a Victoria’s Secret?

” but after listening to the story, it was not Apple at all that put out the diamond iPad, nor is there an official diamond iPad. The actual story is Mervis Diamond Importers, a pretty large diamond store in the DC/Northern Virginia area, has announced a prototype diamond iPad which according to Mervis will be available for ordering in June.

Social Media & Blog Coverage

I work on the campaigns of a couple of jewelry clients, and have a little bit of understanding of the diamond market, and a rather large understanding of PR and online buzz, and the first thing that poppedin my head was “

they probably just put a bunch of diamonds on an iPad and utilized their public relations people to get this story out … I wonder how the coverage is on the web and if they have this on their site?

So, the investigative search & social *iPad***yst in me led to the finishing of that cup of coffee and the firing up of my laptop. I first searched for “diamond ipad” and the online buzz and coverage surround the Mervis PR campaign was staggering.

Not only are all of the results stories that covered the Mervis announcement over the past 2 days on A List blogs that write on luxury, apple products or gadgets (

and I mean A LIST like Gizmodo, Engadget, Luxist and Mashable

) but 站群 is also showing that the Mervis campaign is big enough to serve 站群 News Results and Real Time in the “diamond ipad” search results. Coverage and link的英属百分子相当看到大的一分,此产品综合的是好的。

小工具博客市场的伟大之迹在于gizmodo ..钻石....您就可访问每博客!我也注意到juxist在其中。当然,luxist和engadget都是最初属于jason calacanis的weblogs公司的博客,现在是已成为期的艾滋病的房产。默克的总部位于尼亚,AOL的总部位于弗吉尼亚州的雷斯顿。我觉得派对或公共公司的某人对AOL有效帮助。恩:CNN也不等公司吗?


击中一个主要的繁体渠道有象这mervis动弹获得各谈论话题,博客需要撰写的话题。博客有关的新闻使使使阶梯跌入了博士的其余部分!它正在使三下的链路-O - 否定发型!



我期待着了钻石ipad子子的视频或ronny mervis的放大图片,拿着钻石ipad原型,你知道页面的是什么?它看起来到一个opad的一象ipad的一象的图形,一般高中的孤子。严重地。我想不到着销量减少的智能兽,但这个网站可以花园大厦5美食到10分钟的发出时间。它刻录性成本和简单的。真的没有任何东西,没有坚定的证据证据明钻石ipad只不错是概念或默认的的。天才!!每个人们都在追求m钻石ipad是一件事!





Mervis Diamond iPad三重威胁的最后一分是着陆页:


不再的人,塔吉奥里是一家人公司,而不是一家师公司,由于品牌的强势和对塔科利产品的购物意愿,塔科里在站群中是一个m m。莫尔维斯已跻身“Tacori”的前10名



我在里里不那么不等,你们要我们是我们正在看到个明显的网址,网站结构,相条件的公主,其其最终不言而喻,其最终结果不错的是mervis获得了一般自我力量的链接,并可能卖出2美元0k ipads ......但商店的剩余结果将长长一下竞争性搜索词,这将带长竞争性,忠诚度并增强其其牌力。社交媒体和公共关键词!做得好的羊毛
