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Among the location-based social media startups that are making waves right now, I雅虎’ve always believed that Foursquare has the biggest potential to make it big, if it is not that big right now. Foursquare has every good things going for them – increasing usage, new mobile features here and there, and of course prospective buyers including Yahoo.

In fact, Yahoo may seem to be the most serious among the Internet players who wants to snag the hot social mobile platform. According to Business Insider Yahoo’s M&A folks are currently deciding whether to buy Foursquare at $100 million or not.

While Yahoo has been seriously contemplating on a possible acquisition of Foursquare, the folks at Foursquare on the other hand are also busy talking with other interested buyers such as Apple, Facebook and Twitter. Don’t expect 站群 to join the fray since 站群 already has 站群 Buzz and 站群 Maps which offer the same service as Foursquare.

What’s interesting though if indeed Foursquare wants to sell out is th在游戏中还为时代。户外,一定风**司目前正雅虎在争夺四分之一的融资权,估值约为8000万美迹。

