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草根seo 搜索广告在09年第四季度创下了63亿美丽的广告支出高纪录

The Interactive Advertising Bureau and Price Waterhouse Coppers’s IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report for 2009 is showing some quite interesting findings regarding the comparison of online ad spends and search spending.

Search Ads topped the spending over the past year, comparing Q4 2008 & Q4 2009. According to the report search advertising revenue grew slightly from 45% in 2008 to 47% in 2009. This is despite the fact the overall U.S. internet advertising revenue went down 3.4% at $22.7 billion in 2009 (but again, increased in Q4).

In a nutshell,

search rules!

So, while overall spending decreased, online search & display ad spends increased
