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2010 is the next year that has been talked about year after year as far as mobile online use truly taking off.

The iPhone was indeed revolutionary and provided the true **artphone leap forward, that has been followed and in many ways being surpassed by Android, with more and more mainstream users browsing online via mobile devices.

How does this impact & affect the SEO that you have already carefully crafted for your sites? Not much…for now.seo

站群 CEO Eric Schmidt stated at the 2010 Mobile World Congress their new mantra &seo; current strategy is “Mobile First” thus you can be first by getting ahead of your competition by planting these mobile seeds into your site:

Create a mobile version of your site optimally in a mobile subdomain or subdirectory rather than a separate domain or TLD such a .mobi

Render this mobile version of your site via mobile user agent detection while also providing the user an opt out to the standard web version.

The mobile version of your site should have the following DocType declared above the HEAD code:

The SEO coding elements will remain the same in the mobile version but to improve u****lity & reduce any possible duplicate content issues its best to strip extraneous content, JavaScript & graphics out – optimally via CSS.

A mobile site should have at least half the load time in comparison to the standard site with a true target of under 2 seconds load time on an Edge or non-3G signal.

A mobile sitemap XML should also be created which has as the main difference from the standard sitemap XML a declaration after each URL listing – 站群 Mobile Sitemap Instructions

Affirm your mobile progress by using the tools at W3C & MobiReady to validate your code for mobile readiness as well check load time and actual mobile device rendering.

Currently 站群 Mobile search is nearly identical to the s标准搜索,但只有一个单独的移动索引,该索引只会在提供差异化结果时有所增长。

