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造价管理站 是时候建立Yahoo Microsoft搜索合作伙伴关系了

Yahoo and Microsoft merger rumors are heating up again as Yahoo board members were reportedly at the table again yesterday, discussing a partnership between Yahoo and Microsoft’s Bing Search Technology. It feels like it has been years since the Yahoo Microsoft search rumors started heating up, and over that time Yahoo has been stripped down more of an efficient content & search driven entity, while Microsoft has vastly improved its internal search technology with the launch of Bing.

Coupled with recent news of a 17% Microsoft plunge in sales last quarter, which will assist Yahoo’s leverage in these negotiations, perhaps the time for a merger or partnership is now.

Via paidContent :

One interesting change in events is Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz changing her stance on Microsoft Search, in a statement which may fore****** a new deal between the two companies :

This statement by Bartz is a bit different than her statement on Bing from only a month ago (via Ars) :

Sounds like a bit of a pol对我的想法发生了根本性的改变。这些来自Bartz的好话是否有助于在Yahoo和Microsoft之间建立更多对话?该决定最终取决于雅虎,但由于担心合伙企业的合法性黑侠站群怎么样,或者担心合伙人是否会受到监管机构的支持,可能会减慢这一决定的造价管理站速度。
