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[domain]Yahoo Selling Off Domain Names : Unloads Contests.com for $380K

Yahoo, which we all know has been cutting back substantially and looking for sources of extra revenuedomain, has devised a new plan to bring in some income by clearing out it closet of premium domain names on the open market. Last night, Yahoo sold Contests.com in a live online domain auction.

What makes this story quite stranger however, is that Yahoo sold the domain for an incredibly cheap price, $380,000. Getting barely 6 figures for a domain name like Contests.com, which almost any 5th grader can build a business plan for in 10 minutes, makes for another embarrassing move by the company.

Yahoo picked up the domain name Contests.com during the $5.7 billion acquisition of Mark Cuban’s Broadcast.com , surely there is a major loss going on somewhere in this equation.

MG @ TechCrunch compares the Contests.com price to other domains which have moved in the past year, such as Toys.com for $5.1 million and Candy.com for $3 million. Perhaps the price has something to do with only 7 external liks 指向这个荒谬的网站(由于购买和便宜的价格,新所有者现在正从TechCrunch和其他新闻媒体获取链接)…但是,domain在这样的头脑中,雅虎的价值可能就落在了这个域名上并从中获得更多收益,即使不是单靠流量就能获得更多收益。



