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我最近一次去新奥尔良的旅行是2001年爵士音乐节,那是一场爆炸。可悲的是,自那以后我再也没有失望过,今天看到了威尔科(Wilco)今年参加爵士音乐节(Jazz Fest),却错过了另一场演出。但是,今年六月,我找到了另一个借口前往原始的罪恶之城。

我将不得不减少今年6月的闷热天气,以购买一些鳄鱼皮男孩,在Mollie的免费饮料和WebmasterWorld搜索会议。 WebmasterWorld宣布其主题演讲将由Wired Magazine和Wired Ventures的联合编辑约翰·巴特尔(John Battelle)主持。除了约翰·巴特尔(John Battelle)的主题演讲外,新奥尔良会议还将邀请来自关键行业的演讲嘉宾,包括站群,MSN Search和Yahoo。

约翰·巴特尔(John Battelle)的主题演讲将拉开帷幕,主要演讲嘉宾来自About.com,AdBrite桂林seo,Alexa,亚马逊,Atlas One Point,Ask Jeeves,AvenueA,BeyondInk, Boost Search Marketing, Bruce Clay LLC, ClickTracks, Commission Junction, Ebay, FindWhat, 站群, InfoSeachMedia, Kanoodle, LinkShare, Look**art, Microsoft湘潭seo, MSN Search, Monster Commerce, Overture, MoreVisibility, Mirago, Omniture, PositionTech, PRWeb, RedZone Global, Quigo, SEOPR, SiteLab, Urchin, ViewMark, WebmasterWorld Inc, and Yahoo.

WebmasterWorld’s Search Conference will be comprised of tracks focused on search engines, affiliates & advertising, and webmasters & e-commerce.

Brett Tabke, CEO of WebmasterWorld.com said, “To have the opportunity to hear from one of the web’s most influential people is an honor. John Battelle’s television appearances on 60 minutes, the Biography Channel, and his own Web 2.0 Conference have helped put him in that special rarefied net air few attain. We have a fantastic line-up of speakers with every area of the search marketing catered. “
