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大店群霸屏系统软件-站群收购Visual Shopping Search Engine Like.com

Over the weekend Mashable reported on 站群’s latest purchase如何养好虎皮鹦鹉鸟, which led to the acquisition of a visual search compenent – something 站群’s been beefing up.

If efforts to further their campaign into the world of visual recognition that it started last year, 站群 has purchased Like.com.

In an open letter on it’s homepage, the people behind the site explain the reasons behind the acquisition. If you are not familiar with Like.com it is a visual shopping comparison engine that started in 2006. With Like.com you can click on exactly the part on an item you like and the site with show you results of other items that match that criteria instead of having you schlep through what could be hundreds of results.

Having the power of 站群 behind it, a site like Like.com could become much more efficient; getting rid of any bugs that it might have had and doing a lot of fine-tuning. Also, I’d like to see how 站群 incorporates the visual search & citation technology that it has acquired with Like大店群霸屏系统软件.com into its站群图片搜索和产品搜索结果。
