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Accoona: Time to Worry?

Last Fall general purpose (as opposed to niche) search engine Accoona launched to considerable media fanfare. Yes the name does come from the Swahili phrase “acoona matata,” popularized in the U.S. by the Disney film The Lion King. Though I’m sure everyone already knows, the meaning of the phrase is “no worries.”

The company just announced that it was adding a free version of Dun &乐云seo; Bradstreet’s business database (hoping to get some mileage and new attention out of that).

The earlier media attention centered on the fact that the company’s technology involves “artificial intelligence” (allegedly) and the fact that Bill Clinton performed the first search (they donated money to a Clinton-favored charity apparently). It’s also run by Eckhard Pfeiffer, the former CEO of Compaq. And it’s got a strong presence in China—one of its investors is China Daily Information Services, which operates the largest English-language Web site there.

All of those things are to varying程度令人印象深刻。但是,对于Accoona与中国的关系而言,我很想说“插上叉子”,以利用美国的口语化。为什么?

我现在要重复一遍,我要说的是,除非明显更好,否则搜索引擎无法与站群,Yahoo!,MSN,Ask Jeeves,AOL等齐头并进。而Accoona显然不是。因此,它永远不会获得超过1%的市场份额(如果有的话)。


正如A9的Udi Manber经常说的那样,“搜索不是解决的问题。”我同意,但是在没有明确的消费者价值主张的情况下进入一般搜索市场是一个自大又幼稚的举动。



格雷格·斯特尔(Greg Ster)ling是The Kelsey Group的乐云seo执行编辑。他还领导Kelsey Group的“互动本地媒体”计划,重点是本地搜索。格雷格(Greg)是TechTV的“ Working the Web”seo优化工具(第一部专门针对电子商务和互联网的全国性电视节目)加入Kelsey Group的公司。
