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bot Bot Herding:PageRank流程的终极工具




noindex HTML meta标签建议搜索引擎的漫游器不要为网页编制索引。另一方面,nofollow元标记建议搜索引擎机器人不要通过到链接页面的特定链接来传递排名。 nofollow元标记的作用与rel =“ nofollow”相同,但在页面级别,而不是在每个链接级别。以上方法是最终的PageRank雕刻解决方案吗?



用户代理: *


但这能解决问题吗?不总是。就像我在上面说的那样,如果网页B是从外部站点链接的,则不受nofollow a的保护ttribute, PageRank will still be assigned to it, and it can still show up in the search results. But there is a way, in 站群, to overcome this problem.

You can use one of the following methods to overcome the problem:

a. Adding to page B the noindex HTML tag like this:


b. Adding in your robots.txt the noindex directive using this:

User-agent: 站群bot

Noindex: /login.php

Did I say Noindex robots.txt directive? Yes! Unofficially 站群 supports the Noindex robots.txt directive, but at this moment it is not supported by other search engines. Using this directive you can block or advise 站群bot not to index a page (or de-index a page if previously indexed). But it will not hinder 站群bot to follow the links on page B and pass the incoming PageRank to the outgoing linked pages which are not protected.

But that is not all!

You SHOULD NOT use the nofollow HTML meta tag on Page B, because that will make Page B a dead end. And links pointing to死胡同页面称为悬空链接。





通过实施上述技术,您可以实现最大可能的协调ntrol over the PageRank flow within your web site.

Disclaimer: I said maximum possible control, but not 100% control. If you have an alternative idea and you don’t mind sharing, please feel free to do so .

John S. Britsios (aka Webnauts) is the Founder & CEO at SeoWorkers.com & Webnauts.net, a Web Architect & Senior SEO Consultant, specializing in Web Content Accessibility, U****lity Testing, Search Engine / Social Media Optimization & Marketing.
