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These on-page search engine optimization tips will assist you in setting up your pages with the appropriate title and meta tags, headers, text elements and alt attributes.

1. Title Tag


Title tag

is used to define the title of a web page, with the Title tag placed between the and tags in the html of the page. Search engines will recognize the Title tag as the title of the page. Each page should have its own distinct Title tag.


The Title will be displayed within the browser at the top of the browser window or tab.

When a user searches for a specific word or phrase, 站群 will return a link to the website, and the Title tag will be displayed as the anchor text for the website link.

The text in the Title tag is one of the most important relevancy factors influencing search engine ranking algorithms.

Using your most important keywords or keyphrases in the Title tag will have a dramatic effect upon your page’s ranking for those keywords.

Take Aways:建议您保持标题简短,最好在10到64个字符之间,最多70个字符。超过70个不会作为文档的一部分发挥任何作用。



用于提供网页的简短描述,Description meta标签应为用户和搜索引擎清楚地描述页面的用途。













关键字元标记中列出的所有关键字应在您的内容(正文)中至少出现一次,否则可能被视为无关的垃圾邮件。您还应该避免重复,以防止搜索引擎对关键字“填充”造成惩罚。这 most important keywords should be listed first, to increase their prominence for the search engines that still consider this tag in their determination of your pages’ rankings.

Side Note: Approximately a year ago, Yahoo was still considering the keywords meta tag. While that may have changed, it will do no harm to use this tag, provided you don’t abuse it.

Attention! If you are utilizing XHTML+RDFa (which is recommended), you should not use the keywords meta tag. Opt instead, for the implementation of “Common Tags”.

Yahoo! Announces the “Common Tag” and why is it better: Like The Meta Keywords Tag, But Even Better.

4. Heading Tags (H1-H6)


Keyword1 in the Heading


Keyword2 in the Heading

, etc.

The “Header tag” is nothing more than a headline of the page, so it should be kept short. 45 characters, including spaces, is a good target.

Each page should have a clearly defined

header tag, to identify the primary subject of the page to both the user and the search engine. Be sure to use the primary search phrase you are targeting within this tag.

Note: It is important that the primary keyword is located in the first heading tag on the page, regardless of its type. Placing the keyword early in the header tag will increase its prominence.

Standard rules apply for the structure of HTML pages. Written in a document-like fashion, they should include:


Major heading, describing the main purpose of the section.

Subheadings, highlighting the key points of each subsection.

Many search engines rank the words found in headings higher than the words found in the body text of the document. Some search engines will also incorporate keywords by looking at all the heading tags on a page.

Don’t try to stuff your heading tag with too many keywords, or words that are not relevant to the content in the body. Having multiple

tags on the same page may cause you to be subjected to a penalty by the search engines, as it may be seen in the same light as “

keyword stuffing


It is certainly appropriate to have multiple headlines appearing on a page, like


, etc., provided they follow a hierarchical order. The

should be the first heading tag, followed by the

, then the


, and so on.

5. Phrase Elements

Use the semantical tags


tags for targeted keywords within the visible content of your pages, but sparingly. Those tags are alternatives to the and tags, which can also be used, but are for visual presentation purposes only.

6. Alt Attributes

Resist the temptation to stuff your alt. attributes with keywords. Keyword density is no longer as important as it once was, and doing so could subject you to penalties.

A tutorial for how-to: Alt Attribute & Image Search Engine Optimization

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I hope my search engine optimization tips are helpful to you.
