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Today marks the 2 week countdown until IM Spring Break, the search marketing mini-con in South Florida which will feature some of the brightest and most talented speakers in search marketing, along with keynotes by Neil Patel, Rae Hoffman (SugarRae), and Chris Winfield.IM营销

IM Spring Break is 3 days of sunny, Florida, spring break style fun and learning which will be held at the Deerfield Beach Hilton, about 5 minutes from the warm beaches of Florida.

Think of IM Spring Break of a mix of 3 intense days of SEO and Search Marketing training sessions & workshops, along with a “get away from it all” Spring Break atmosphere of casual dress, poolside events, and important business networking.

IM Spring Break is a 3 day event, with a different theme everyday; Social Media, SEO and Paid Search Marketing. Of course, all themes are intertwined given the industry, and each day will feature its own keynote speech :

Social Media Keynote : 10e20’s Chris Winfield : a master at using social media to d克里斯与大型出版公司合作,并且是社交媒体营销方面的专家。

SEO主题演讲:尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel市场营销)将讨论搜索分析在SEO和在线营销活动中的作用,以及新时代分析如何从社交媒体活动中解读流量和行为,从而将其替换为您的总体在线营销策略。

会员营销主题演讲:Rae Hoffman(又名SugarRae)是一位直言不讳地射击会员营销的人,他将讨论会员营销,赚钱和其他策略,这对会员和正在制定会员营销策略的公司都将是有用的的。她的会议很特别,没有现场博客,视频或活动广播。

IM Spring Break的其他知名度包括以下搜索营销专家:

Joost deValk在WordPress SEO上

社交媒体营销和链接诱饵专家Brent Csutoras


李·埃文斯(Li Evans)通过社交媒体建立品牌

搜索专家Carolyn Shelby上的主要SEO编码问题

Digg高级帐户高级用户ZAIBATSU !!!

弗兰克·沃森(Frank Watson)(澳洲网站管理员)和大卫·塞特拉(David Szetela)进行付费搜索


IM Spring Break拥有200个席位,将是一个私密的场所,您应该离开3天的活动,与SEO的一些顶级企业,Yahoo,SEOmoz和Best of the的代表建立牢固的友谊和可信赖的业务关系。网络,最重要的是,它拥有丰富的知识。

钍e cost for a ticket to IM Spring Break is only $379 ; this includes 3 days of sessions, breakfast & lunch, and open bar networking activities. The perks more or less cover the cost of admission!

IM Spring Break will help you redefine your search marketing strategy, and you’ll probably come home with a tan (or a tattoo)!

Don’t wait another day, Register Now : IMSpringBreak.com
