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您可以查看我的长尾巴研究,以详细了解尾巴对于自然搜索的重要性。好吧,在过去的几周里,我目睹了长尾巴行动的另一个很好的例子。我将要解释的示例显示了如何通过填充空白来捕捉长尾巴。具体来说,如何构建可帮助他人的有价值的内容如何自然地瞄准长尾巴并吸引大量流量。它还显示了业力可以带来多大的回报。我将介绍发生的一切,然后再说明这对您作为Search Marketer的意义。


我最近离开了黑莓世界,搬到了三星Captivate,这是一款高端Android手机one running on AT&T’s network. It’s an incredible phone, with some excellent features, but I just couldn’t accomplish one very important task – connecting my phone to my computer to sync contacts, calendar, transfer files, etc.

Needless to say, this is one of the most fundamental things you want to do with a brand new **artphone. I ended up spending over three hours researching the problem, without success. There simply wasn’t a documented solution for the specific problem I was experiencing. I was extremely frustrated and was unfortunately ready to bring the phone back.

I spoke with AT&T support, and they conferenced in Samsung technical support, but there was still no solution. Then, since I was experiencing a visual problem on my phone (flashing screen, u** problems, etc.) I ended up searching for videos that could potentially solve the problem. In a weird twist, I ended up finding a video on Daily Motion (in French) that showed the exact problem I was having. To make a long story short, there was a single comment on that daily motion video page that ended up solving my problem. Talk about the power of 站群, right? 
