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A few weeks ago I wrote a review of a cool new service Cc:Everybody started by people behind Omgili (the service I have just mentioned recently in the post on choosing SEO hosting). Basically, the tool provides a way to take advantage of your useful email correspondence which would otherwise have got lost in your private inbox.

The best thing about the tool is that it’s a huge playground. You can think of new and new awesome ways to use it. What I decided to do is to use it for an email Q&A session.

First, what did I do?

Setting Up Your Public Email Inbox

Registration is quick and easy. I registered and got my public email inbox. Now, once I have some useful email correspondence I would like to share with the world, all I need to do is to CC my


email address. The post will go live and shared publicly after I confirm the action (via email or online).

Note also that all further back-and-forth correspondence with the same person on the same topic, gets automatically在同一主题中发布在您的公共收件箱中。










@ cceverybody.com






发布您的RSS提要 CC:Everybody mailbox updates, use this code to fetch and display your inbox atom:

For example, for me that was:

Note also, that not only my original post gets automatically updated of new answers in my public inbox. My Twitter followers get those updates also. And all I need to do is just forward my email to my


email address.

In seconds my email Q&everybody;A session gets comments and retweets:

While I didn’t have too much time to play as much as I would like to, I liked how the experiment went through. Imagine if you put some time, effort and creativity, you can come up with the powerful Q&A content, for example!

My personal conclusion is that Cc:Everybody is a great tool and I’d love to hear your thoughts!
