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Howdy folks, it’s now 2009 and like many out there in the world, I’m digging myself out of my Holidays and New Year’s feasting and over-consumption bunker to reflect on the past year and set goals for 2009. Looking over my resolutions from the past couple of years, I now have a chance to see what has worked, and what has not, and specific goals and actions I want to set for 2009 to assist me in succeeding in these goals.

In 2008, I wanted to blog less and concentrate on churning out more thought provoking and educational posting on Search Engine Journal instead of simply producing more and more search engine news. Although we really put out a lot more tutorials and quality postings this year, in 2009 I want to live up to my commitment by transforming the site to more of a social and educational hub, while continuing to produce well thought out posts and articles.

In 2008 I launched a couple of new companies and an online & search marketing consultation firm. In 2009 my goal is to c继续发展我们的客户和合作伙伴基础,同时进一步优化繁琐的发布商宣传和研究计划。我的决心是使我们的客户群增加一倍,并引进和培训新员工(以及与现有承包商的不断扩大的关系),以尽可能最好的新年方式为我们的客户提供服务。


2008年,我与Search and Social的Dave Snyder和Jordan Kasteler结成了一些非常好的朋友,我们一起启动了IMBroadcast.com和IM Events小型会议,该会议以Scary SEO(万圣节主题的搜索营销会议)开始。朗斯)。在4月,我们将通过在佛罗里达州迪尔菲尔德比新年奇(劳德代尔堡附近)推出IM Spring Break来扩展Scary SEO的成功。我们的目标是在继续举办这些活动的教育,社交和分享感的同时,扩大会议的种类。我也将重点讲一些公开演讲课
