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是否希望在编辑您的(或竞争对手的维基百科)****页面的准确性时保持关注状态? WikiAlarm.com是一项免费的新服务,可让拥有Wikipedia个人资料的品牌和人员通过****监视其Wikipedia页面的更改。



为什么要在Wikipedia编辑上保留标签?博客和新闻工作者每天都在使用Wikipedia的信息,如果不立即删除发布的任何不正确信息,则可能会造成很大的破坏。如果不删除,最终结果可能是**的Wiki圆度。 Wiki循环是互联网的“自我实现的预言”,其工作方式如下:


几个未经编辑 weeks the information is picked up by a lazy blogger or journalist doing research for a story.

The story then appears on a well known blog or website & the author doesn’t mention they researched the story on Wikipedia

When you find the inaccurate article and try to edit the information on Wikipedia you find that the Wiki moderators refuse to remove it

To add insult to injury the Wikipedia page is updated to include a link referencing the inaccurate blog or newspaper article

Furthermore, negative Wikipedia editing or Wikipedia page sabotage is a common practice in the competitive business, search and online reputation management world. I have worked with numerous clients who have been battling this phenomena for years, WikiAlarm.com fast tracks the monitoring of these edits.
