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New SMARTpages Prepares for YellowPages.com Integration

SMARTpages has relaunched with a new look and feel, preparing for the eventual merger of the site with RealPages.com under the unified YellowPages.com brand. The new site is a significant improvement over the user experience previously offered.

FAST Search & Transfer is the vendor behind search on the site and there’s a product roadmap that extends beyond what’s visible today. But this is a downpayment on the eventual YellowPages.com user experience.

One of the things that was really interesting about the old SMARTpages vs. other IYP players was its life events guides. Yellow Pages publishers have long known that life cycle events (e.g., homebuying英文建站, weddings, etc.) drive usage and comScore has shown the same to be true of e-commerce and related Internet usage patterns.

The new site translates those life events guides into “Smart Guides,” which is a separate area on the site. The new site also has city guides. These are important努力拓宽IYP网站历史上提供的基本联系信息。这里有大量有价值的内容,但是信息通常与网站“传统”部分的查找分开。

