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自己建站 LookSmart的重生

The Rebirth of LookSmart

LookSmart has recently been in the news due to the value of their shares dropping and the possibility of them losing their spot on Nasdaq. October 27th, 2005 may go down in web history as judgement day for LookSmart, one of the major search engine workhorses of the 1990’s which is striving to reinvent itself and appease its users & investors. On the 27th, LookSmart will be announcing their third quarter earnings after the market closes.

In September, LookSmart CEO David B. Hills let the world know that LookSmart was heading in a new direction, based upon vertical search, communities, paid search, software and content licensing, and monetizing traffic across its channels.

“Since the beginning of this year, we’ve been focused on executing a turnaround plan for the Company that leverages our ad network, consumer vertical search products and the licensing of our technology and content to build long term shareholder value over time through performance,” said DavLookSmart首席执行官id B.Hills。 “我们正在实施该计划,我很高兴看到我们的广告网络为我们的客户提供越来越好的结果,我们新的垂直搜索集群开始发布,并且我们正在执行技术和内容许可交易。 ”

最近,一些LookSmart公告似乎加强了希尔斯先生的发展方向。 Look**art已成为Search123(FastClick / ValueClick公司)的**付费列表合作伙伴,Search123是第三层付费搜索引擎服务。根据法律协议/ 10-K / A备案:

LookSmart将确定CPC出价,并将其包含在为响应此类查询而发送的实时Feed中。 LookSmart将全权酌情决定每个搜索字词的每次点击费用出价,并且这种每次点击费用出价可能会经常更改。

此外,可通过LookSmart网站使用的新Look**art Money和其他渠道似乎内容丰富,并且针对特定市场郑州seo服务,尤其是那些市场。可以产生广告收入。这些频道可能会让About.com和InfoSearchMedia混为一谈,但是如果可以在主要搜索引擎中为内容建立索引,并且已经拥有了现有的用户群,并且租借或分发了他们的广告服务技术,LookSmart可能会能够拉开他们的新方向。

LOOK的其他活动还包括据报道《****》正在使用该公司的Furl.net搜索和标签系统,而Viacom与LookSmart达成了某种内容协议。还有传言说,Ask Jeeves的赞助商链接计划由LookSmart LookListings应用程序提供支持,而LOOK去年也以类似的方式与Vivisimo合作,采用了其集群广告Feed计划。别忘了他们拥有WiseNut搜索技术,LookSmart和Zeal目录以及NetNanny的所有权,看看哪些LookSmart的收购和发展方向在本季度实现了盈利将很有趣。自己建站

