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[雅虎]雅虎! oneSearch进入AT&T MEdia Net

Yahoo and AT&T has reached an agreement that would bring Yahoo! oneSearch to AT&T’s on-deck MEdia Net portal. This would be the first time that a U.S. carrier is integrating Yahoo oneSearch directly into it’s portal.

Under the agreement, Yahoo oneSearch will give AT&T customers access to Yahoo’s news, financial information, weather conditions, Flickr photos and web images when they do their search on AT&T’s MEdia Net. In addition, Yahoo oneSearch will also integrate downloadable mobile content that are available in AT&T’s MEdia Mall, in the search results it gives to customers. Included in the deal is the provision of local search information to customers via AT&T’s Yellowpages.com.

But most importantly for Yahoo, the agreement will allow Yahoo to serve mobile-sponsored search advertising within mobile search results conducted through the AT&T MEdia Net portal. And considering AT&T’s mobile userbase, these mobile searches would definitely be significant enough to boost Yahoo’s mobile search advertising platform.

AT&T’s vice 雅虎*******雅虎** for Converged Services, Michale Bowling has this to say about the said agreement:
