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Does using a web browser by a company which tracks user web behavior, archives emails 隐私保护& messenger communications and also serves advertising based upon search and browsing behavior scare you a little about what your total browsing experience will be used for?

The notion has some privacy advocates looking for answers, especially exactly how 站群 will be using this information and incorporating it into their DoubleClick ad serving profile & behaviroal targeting technology.

Sure, 站群 can give us better search results by understand more about our needs, our intent, our life experience and locations visited; and generally such information enriches the online user experience, but when that same information is used to monetize a free service, well, it’s a bit of a double standard isn’t it?

The Washington Post reports that :

With 站群 collecting user keystrokes as entered into the 站群 Chrome Omnibox, but anonymizing that information, the first step in a private web browsing experience? Or w病站群只是尽最大努力使隐私权倡导者有应有的责任,并从收集用户数据的角度看它可以摆脱什么。

