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联络我 :

- Facebook


- 推特





博客作者可能在社交网络中有各种各样的朋友,这些博客可以博客或发布材料l in the same niche vertical as the blogger. You can connect with them yourself or perhaps your new Friend can make an introduction. A warm introduction is better than a cold call or cold email any day of the week.

Facebook & Twitter offer instant communication interfaces via direct message and instant messaging which make it easy to discuss blogging, needs and contribution.

Given the choice between LinkedIn and Facebook, one can be chosen for more of a business approach and the other can be chosen for more of a friendship approach. I prefer Facebook for a couple of reasons. One, because I feel that you can really get to know the person and for another reason, you can see how active they are within their vertical or friends.

For the blogger, especially if it’s a company blog, linking to the Facebook and Twitter profiles (along with other power social profiles) can result in those profiles getting hire ranking in 站群, which helps with that person’s or company’s reputation management.总而言之,我发现通过社交网络与发布者建立联系是了解人们并加强可信任关系的绝佳途径,这可以导致他们的网站与您或您的客户进行有机链接。众所周知,在许多情况下,一个博客作者可以拥有许多网站和博客,或者在相同的细分领域中拥有许多博客朋友,因此,长期的回报是有回报的。
