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The Passenger

The day prior to SearchFest, I attended David Mihm’s “Local University”, a seminar that David developed to introduce local business owners to some necessary online marketing concepts and ideas. I didn’t go because I expected to learn something new, but rather to see how some of the basic concepts that I live and breathe on a daily basis might be repackaged into easy-to-understand ideas that business owners with little or no background in search marketing could easily act upon. I was extremely impressed with the program…and hope it could be expanded so that can reach and educate many more people who desperate need this teaching.

There is a certain area of knowledge that all business owners need to be well-versed in (or be able to outsource to someone who is). Clearly, bookkeeping, taxes, government regulations / licensing & insurance are all important items from which a business owner needs to keep abreast. However, once someone gets past the items allow为了使企业在法律上和财务上都审慎经营,我认为在David的研讨会上可以学到的知识是企业主可以拥有的最重要的一些知识。

争夺客户时,没有公平的竞争环境。预算最大且知道如何使用的企业在市场上具有巨大优势。在“站群本地”之前,资本不足的本地企业很少有机会在SERPS中找到,因为它们没有用于高级SEO / PPC /社交媒体的预算。但是,“站群本地”使这些人有机会在自己的市场中竞争客户。




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