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链接爱与政治活动= BOTW的免费链接

Link Love & Political Activi** = Free Links from BOTW

In an effort to spread the effective offline awareness of political activi**长沙建站, Greg Hartnett has come about with a way for more Americans to get involved with their Right of Free Speech, and possibly even get sites listed in the BOTW directory. Seems that Greg got some link love with some signs that he had posted around Long Island which include a political message revolved around the booting of the current US President from office.

The idea has driven Greg to get more people involved in the political process, whatever their political affiliation, by posting signs in public locations. In an effort to drive the activi** along his search engine optimization & marketing peers, Greg is offering three free submissions (to be reviewed before being accepted) to the BOTW Directory for publishers and activists which follow these steps:

Be forewarned, there is no cheating to be done in this contest as Greg has put forth groundrules:
