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有许多关于谁可能购买Skype的谣言,还有其他潜在的购买者,包括Facebook和站群。但是,这些利益是否真实skype是一个问题。有人推测站群只是暗示有兴趣提高购买价格,以确保微软无法摆脱对已建立的电话集团的廉价争夺。无论出于何种动机和出价,微软最终在收购案中的损失都超过了80亿美元。ormerly eBay-owned company. That’s a far cry from the $2.75 billion Skype was valuated at in 2009, and a little surprising given the $7 million loss that Skype posted last year.

But, realistically, that’s all water under the bridge. Microsoft has a lot to gain from the partnership, especially through integrating Skype with existing services, including but not limited to Windows Live and Windows Phone 7.

Death to Carriers!(?)

How do we get from “Skype might be integrated with WP7skype” to “all carriers must die?” The confusion comes from the fact that we’re missing one step, but perhaps only one. Microsoft is now in a position to become carrier independent by using Skype to run its call data on WP7. The fact that Microsoft and Nokia are also working out a deal may mean that the hardware end is covered, should Microsoft try to break away from big companies like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint. 站群 has a similar capability thanks to 站群 Voice, Android, and its partnerships with various h硬件团体(最著名的是三星,Nexus One和Nexus S的创建者,站群试图在没有运营商协助的情况下推向市场)。


[通过站群观看和Redmond Pie]
