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需要澄清的是:美学不是全部。您可以拥有一个美观的设计,除了让您的用户运行下一个链接之外,什么也不做。您需要记住为什么要让他们在那里,要让他们采取什么动作,并确保首先针对这些动作对UI和布局进行了优化。然后确保美学达到标准,但更重要的是,适当for the content and message you’re trying to convey.

The three most important social design features:

Make sure the message or content’s intent is clear, front, and center

Make sure the action(s) you want them to take are clear & prominent enough

Make sure the content is easy to access & read and isn’t too intimidating for your average user who has limited time and a shrinking attention span.

5. You’ve Missed your Target Audience

It’s OK for websites or brands to step out of their normal content comfort zone online. While I’d never recommend creating content that deliberately alienates your current base, going a bit outside the box can be an interesting exercise in testing the limits of your market. It can be a great way to expand your audience and spread your brand to new demographics. The problem is, when you do this, you can’t always rely on your current user/customer base to help spread the word. And if you go too far outside, before you fail, you might want to consider why you’re doing it in the first place.

If your target audience for your brand is normally, say, women between 20-40, depending on your brand it’s probably wise to either continue targeting women, or perhaps you might target men of the same age. Either way, the further outside your normal zone you go, the more challenging it becomes to create content that spreads. As always: tread carefully.

6. Misuse of social media tools & networks

One of the more common mistakes I see on a daily basis is the misuse of the available social media tools. Make sure before you start using any particular service, tool, or social media site, that you take the time to get to know the ropes. More specifically: some of the “unwritten rules” of the service. Understand the limits to what kind of “push” or promotion is acceptable and what borders on spam.

Also, while it may be tempting to create content and submit it to as many services as you can, the truth is, you might be wa浪费宝贵的时间。您最好为特定的网络创建内容,然后专注于在该网络上进行传播。例如,某些内容在Twitter上的表现要好于Facebook。而且,如果您想进行简单的民意调查,那么也许可以使用Facebook小部件。底线:或再次认识您要宣传内容的空间:找到已经做过的人。
