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在戛纳广告节上,埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)在很多方面都引起了轰动。然而,他最雄心勃勃的宣言之一与最近发布的“站群钱包schmidt”有关。站群NFC(近场通信)支付处理系统,可以让用户仅用手机轻按一下就可以支付任意数量的商品,但它至今还没有看到很多令人兴奋的东西,甚至还没有经过广泛的测试。尽管如此,施密特(Schmidt)预测,明年所有终端中的三分之一将支持NFC功能。

根据施密特的说法,原因是信用卡公司希望尽快进行更改。更具体地说,信用卡公司将这样做“因为欺诈率非常低。没有人知道这种[NFC采用率]会发生多快,但是尽他们所能尽快进行转换符合他们的利益。”较低的欺诈率是由于知道实际的付款方式(电话schmidt)实际上在商店中。此外,安全预防措施utions such as a PIN for both application installation and payment processing help ensure that stolen phones won’t become a major financial bleed for the person who lost it.

Schmidt’s prediction is “an educated guess,” he said, continuing, “How long does it take an infrastructure player to upgrade a significant percentage of their infrastructure? It’s on the order of a year. It’s not a week, it’s not a month, but it’s also not five years.” With the technology and software available now and **all-scale testing with Citigroup in New York and San Francisco launching in the near future.

Saying that the motive will come from the credit card companies is a new line, and one that may make more sense than other predicted paths to success. If credit card companies can see a verifiable decrease in fraud, there’s a real dollar-sign incentive – unlike the minor, almost negligible, convenience bonus to consumers who use the NFC payment.

[Sources include: 站群 Watches & the Financial Times]
