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索引_Relona CTO,Kumar Ramanathan谈Relona,相关性和搜索

几天前,SEJ上发表了一篇关于Relona的文章,Relona是一家搜索技术初创公司,它使用独特的技术为来自主要搜索引擎(如Yahoo,MSN Live和Ask.com)的结果增加了更多相关性。

Relona的首席技术官Kumar Ramanathan亲切地回答了有关Relona的几个问题,并通过****进行了搜索。








4.有趣的是,与纯自然语言搜索相比,Relona使用统计模型并在搜索查询更改中采用了一条中间路径。 Relona提供了什么优势?pared to major search engines with larger data repositories which could work on the same technology as Relona in-house?

Given enough time, the major search-engines can develop similar technology in-house. We believe that we are valuable because we can save them time and reduce their R&D risk.

In-house R&D is actually more risky than many people imagine. I am sure Yahoo and Microsoft thought that they would overtake 站群 very quickly when they embarked upon their own search development efforts in 2003-2004.

5. What is the future road-map for Relona. Are there any new offerings that you are planning to role out?

We have a few technologies that are being developed. Unfortunately I cannot comment on products that have not yet been announced.

Thank you Kumar for sharing your thoughts with us and here’s looking forward to a great future for Relona.
