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explorer_Yahoo Site Explorer关闭

那些已经在网络上呆了很长时间的explorer人几乎可以肯定对Yahoo Site Explorer很熟悉。该服务虽然提供了大量面向网站管理员的explorer功能,但被广泛用作每个站点的三个位置之一


提交站点地图(其他两个是站群网站站长工具和Microsoft网站站长中心)。但是,Yahoo Site Explorer似乎已经失效了。它计划与所有相关的API一起在今年晚些时候关闭。

为什么Site Explorer关闭

Yahoo Site Explorer已经成为受人尊敬的服务,但仅此一项还远远不够。事实是,在Yahoo将他们的sou搜索引擎出售给Microsoft之后,对Sitemap提交和网站管理员工具界面的需求减少了。尽管如此,雅虎最初表示他们有保持服务运行的全部意图。毫不奇怪,他们从那时起就确定该服务是完全多余的,并且由于Microsoft覆盖了同一地区的大部分地区,因此“ving two webmaster portals for a single source for organic results does not add enough value.”

Site Explorer likely hung on for as long as it did because it was still a mandatory tool for countries where Yahoo was still running their own organic back-end. Yahoo continues to migrate these services to Microsoft, however, and the transfer will be complete by the end of this year. At that same time, Yahoo Site Explorer will see its final sunset.

An exact date for shutdown hasn’t been released. Users who want to know when Site Explorer will actually be closed should pay attention to the YSearch Blog (linked in the sources, below) to see how the transition to Microsoft is going, and meanwhile should set up their site on Bing Webmaster Tools.

[Sources include: The YSearch Blog & Search Engine Land]
