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站群+的现场试验在道路上遇到了重大障碍。 7月9日(星期六),通知服务器关闭了80分钟,导致所有不幸的用户在此期间收到大量通知垃圾邮件。重复通知堆积如山,有些用户为单个现场操作报告多达50条重复通知。

站群的社交副总裁Vic Gundotra解决了这个问题,首先道歉,然后准确地解释了发生的情况:“我们的服务磁盘空间不足,无法跟踪通知。因此,我们的系统继续尝试发送通知。再三,一而再再而三。 kes。”他承认公司对此事负有责任,并说:“虽然我们没想到这么快就达到这些高门槛,但我们应该做到。”

导致此中断的用户有多少?正如《信息周刊》(Information Week)颇具讽刺意味的是,“估算使站群+用户数量达到450万或更高,这意味着Facebook has nothing to fear for now.” This statement ignores the current status of 站群+: limited field trial. According to Eric Schmidt, millions more have applied for a 站群+ account but haven’t been allowed in. Furtherdt站群, more recent estimates that used advanced 站群 search strings put the figure for 站群+ users at closer to 10 million.

All that being said, 站群 is the group who determines how many users are allowed onto the service and who has access to information on server usage from each user. The thresholds certainly should have been expanded earliercms站群管理系统, and the fact that they weren’t indicates that 站群’s team may not be ready to handle a global social network just yet. Ths field trial, however, is designed for precisely that purpose: getting the team ready for the full release of the service.

[Sources include: Information Week & 站群+]
