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When it comes to online marketing in the post-Penguin and Panda age, two strategies that many marketers are turning towards are guest blogging and blogger outreach. While you can do a lot of legwork on your own by searching for bloggers related to your industry on 站群, you can also turn to networks designed to connect businesses and bloggers.

However, there is an easier way to find blogs looking for content.

Guest Blogging & Blogger Outreach Networks

The following are networks for guest blogging and blogging outreach that you can use to market your business for increased exposure and additional backlinks.


BlogDash calls itself the blogger outreach dashboard. Their network has a directory of 109K bloggers which you can search based on topical keywords, category, Klout score, gender, and other demographics.

You can use their service to interact with bloggers tweets, share blog posts, and pitch bloggers to write about your product or service. Some notable companies using BlogDash包括Likeable Media,Shine United和True Media。


确保使用BlogDash阅读满意的代理商的推荐,并下载免费的博客拓展指南。您还可以在Social Media Explorer上阅读有关其服务的评论(尚处于测试阶段)。


Blogger LinkUp是一项免费服务,可将需要内容的博客作者与希望放置内容以换取链接的营销人员和企业联系起来。最好的部分是注册了该服务的博客作者不应该要求付款(根据网络上的准则,但实际的联系请求可能有所不同)。


Blogger LinkUp网站本身没有太多可用的内容,但是确实在社交媒体审查员的帖子中得到了点赞,因为它是查找来宾博客的好地方。但是考虑到它是一项免费服务,试一试并没有什么坏处!



创建完一个 list of blogs to target, GroupHigh can provide key information about them including social profiles, contact form locations, author names, traffic statistics, and SEO metrics.

Notable companies using this service include Social Media Explorer, Distilled, Citrix, Billboard, Home Depot, and many more. You can read mentions of their service on their In the News page which includes nods from Convince & Convert, Content Marketing Institute, Search Engine Journal, and SEOmoz. They also post tweets mentioning their service on the homepage of the website.

Pricing is not listed on the GroupHigh website—you have to contact them for a demo of the service. One site reviewing their service in January listed the price as $3,000 per year, so you can expect it to be on the higher end of the spectrum of premium outreach services.


Guestr helps blog owners find new content from bloggers and helps guest bloggers and SEO’s find guest posting opportunities to place their content and build links.目前,Guestr为网站所有者和正在寻找访客发帖机会的人提供免费服务。当前,有804个列表列出了寻找和接受各种类别内容的网站。每个站点都列出了其当前的站群PageRank和估计的访问次数。




您可以通过他们在SEOmoz,Blogher和Search Engine Land上拥有的功能来了解有关MyBlogGuest的更多信息。


PostJoint博客搜索是一个平台,可帮助双方更快,更轻松地编写访客博客。 PostJoint与其他服务之间的主要区别在于,没有在博客/帖子库中进行搜索或浏览的功能。取而代之的是,广告商提供他们希望发布的内容,系统根据受众群体的博客数据库来匹配受众,然后博客作者提议发布帖子。广告商只需选择要接受的发布报价。

显示了各种度量标准以帮助广告主做出决定,而博客仅显示相关帖子的摘录,以帮助防止内容重复。所有在PostJoint注册的博客作者均由主持人进行质量筛选,因此响应 rate and your satisfaction should be high.

5 Simple Tips for Guest Blogging & Blogger Outreach

Just because a blogger is a part of one of these networks does not mean they are guaranteed to accept your requests. So, whether you use a service or 站群 to connect with bloggers for guest posts or pitches, there are a few things you should do to ensure your success.

1. Personalize your request.

Be sure to include the name of the blog owner in your request. As a blogger, there is nothing more irritating than seeing a Dear Sir or Madam, Hello Webmaster, or other generic greeting on a request, especially when my name is plastered on the sidebar of the blog, on blog posts, and on the about page. These are the places you should start looking to find the blog owner’s name so you can address them properly in your requests.

2. Interact with the blogger before pitching them.

If you are really interested in a particular blog accepting your guest post or reviewing your product, consider investing 需要一些时间来首先了解博客。评论他们的博客文章,分享他们的文章以及在社交网络上与他们互动是在博客社区中成为熟悉的面孔的好方法-他们可能更愿意接受来自他的请求。





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