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雅虎新闻活动(Yahoo News Activity)周四在Facebook f8大会上宣布,它使Facebook用户能够毫不费力地找到对其朋友重要的新闻。雅虎新闻的读者现在将能够自动分享他们在Facebook上阅读的内容,并发现他们的朋友正在阅读的新闻故事。当用户通过朋友的眼神看到新闻时,他们更有可能信任消息来源并认为新闻是相关的。

要启用Yahoo News Activity,只需访问Yahoo News,登录Facebook,然后单击“添加到时间轴”。完成此简单过程后,将出现面板,并允许用户轻松访问其朋友正在阅读的相同文章。新的工具栏是带有Facebook朋友照片的水平栏,将显示在Yahoo News的顶部。它使Yahoo News读者可以将鼠标悬停在朋友的图片上,并立即看到与朋友正在阅读的新闻报道相同的新闻。

使用内置的隐私设置和提示,Yahoo News用户将 have full control regarding the activities that are shared on Facebook and Yahoo News Activity. Yahoo News readers can decide if they want to grant permission each time they read an article or they can grant permission one time and never again be bothered by prompts. In addition, users can delete activities that they do not want displayed in the facebar or on Facebook. Also, at any time, users can disable the “social option,” causing Yahoo News Activity to no longer share what they are reading.

A Yahoo spokesperson said the following about Yahoo News Activity:

This new feature, which will simultaneously allow users to read newsworthy articles and interact with their friends, is yet another way that Facebook is putting a social spin on everyday activities.

[Sources Include: Yahoo, Market Watch, & Facebooknews]
