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与建立链接的公司和顾问相比,大学生是精明的互联网,体面的作家,而且便宜。俗话说“一分钱一分货”,但他们并不难训练-他们习惯于学习新材料。请务必注意,尤其是在这种经济,大学学生越来越难以找到工作经验 - 这可以致力于我们的联系建设议程的优势。




一旦我选择了Link Builder,我会通过****发送它们链接构建资源并解释来自信誉象序源的链接是搜索引擎算法的重要组成部分。他们越了解SEO链接的重要部分是什么,他们会越有赋予他们的工作。


学生必须了解该网站的哪些部分为强大的内容和对谁吸引到谁。让他们写一个快速的线条或两个关于哪个目标受众是互相的ested in the content they have identified and why.

Step 4: Proposed Websites

Depending on how much control you want to exercise, it may be a good idea to have your student draw up a list of websites they propose to contact BEFORE they do it. If the student has understood the target audiences, this step should be easier for them to get the hang of.

Step 5: Email Template or Phone Script

If you’re going straight for the kill and contacting webmasters directly, show your student examples of past emails you’ve sent when link building. Naturally, they should be to the point, personalized, and demonstrate your site’s involvement/relevancy enough to convince a webmaster.

If your student is phoning the website, run over with them who they should speak to and how they should present the content – it’s worth writing a script to ensure there is no confusion.

Step 6: A Log

It is important your student keep a log of their communication with different bloggers and webmasters. Be sure this data is in YOUR control, so if the student leaves for summer holiday or gets ill, you know who they’ve conversed with.

Before I end this, I must say a word about student salary. While cheap, be fair and compensate university students for their time; at the very least reimburse them for travel and lunch when they come into the office. That said, go find yourself an aspiring Link Builder – while freeing up your time to focus on more important tasks, your Builder will be gaining valuable employment experience.

Chelsea Blacker is a London based search consultant currently working at Base One Search With a background in SEO & PPC cultivated at Promediacorp in NYC, Chelsea focuses on engaging B2B brands in social media and online PR.

If you want to further procrastinate from getting on with your real work, check out her current Marketing Pilgrim post You Know You Work in Search When… or say hi to her on twitter @ChelseaBlacker
