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Those of you who follow my writing know that I’m a bookworm. And just as I’m frequently lending books to friends (or thrusting them at their faces while ordering them to “read this,” as the case may be) I like to share great posts, resources and other items I find around the blogosphere.

Real quickly before I get into that, I’d just like to mention I’m giving away a copy of The Knack. It’s an excellent business book by Bo Burlingham and Norm Brodsky, who write for Inc magazine, and should be required reading for all the entrepreneurs, consultants and others in the web business.

Anyways, here’s some other great reading I’ve found online:

Conversion & Sales:

How buying guides can attract new conversion-oriented traffic, with 站群’s recent changes

Track Paypal Purchases With AdWords in 5 Easy Steps (Cuz it’s a good idea to give 站群 more data, right? It’s not enough they’re becoming the world’s biggest affiliate thanks to all we’ve collectively fed it…
