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显示 站群的2009年代购:专业驾驶与作品

I was reading up on 站群 acquisitions yesterday and although 站群’s acquisition this year is not as many as previous years, particularly 2006 and 2007, 站群’s acquisitions in 2009 certainly made sense with their landmark acquisition of AdMob as their most expensive buy.

But looking at 站群’s 2009 acquisitions from a quality, and not quantity perspective, we see that the company is focusing its takeover of other companies in two major directions : Mobile & 站群 Apps. The speeding up of the web is essential to growth of mobile computing, whether on the netbook or **artphone, and judging on where 站群 has put most of its research and development in 2009 : 站群 Chrome OS, 站群 powered netbooks, 站群 Droid Phone and Android Mobile OS … the ability to condense data into a stream which can make the most of our current 3G and mobile networks’ definition of mobile broadband … while also enhance the usefulness of cloud computing, both are essential to 站群’s future.

Here’s a look at the companies 站群 acquired i2009年:

ON2 - 2009年8月5日以106,500,000美味的价格买入; On2是一家视频视频应用程峰天,站群尚站群尚就如何利用ON2采取任何行动,但将其行动,但将其用作波和站群(在Gmail聊天中间测试云会议变得更多简单化学降低成本的可以,并协助企业和**使用站群应应应用程序(华盛特种和洛杉矶目前正在使用站群站群用途序序数百万美容。

Admob - 站群在2009年度行当前的代购,使其实业制作在上代月花费了7.5亿美容。这这可爱合适的运动寿业,并且admob是使用的admob通言免费的iPhone antiving程度和可用下载的运动器工具赚钱的运动效用程序开发人才的长期战略的重要重要成分数开发市场。

Gizmo5 - 获得了Admob被收购的同一天,Gizmo5是一个VoIP公司。站群不得不为这家公司花费300,000,000美元,显然是牛肉的语音服务,这是一个不仅是站群的移动愿望的重要组成部分,也是站群应用。

terent - 一个在线显示广告公司购买了未披露的金额。站群肯定会为其AdSense计划和进一步扩展到展示广告世界的进一步扩展......或Adsense的显示Doubleclick侧。虽然TER附离可能不是一个明显的移动导向的采集,但它将在更好的单一嗪中提供帮助g display advertising by assisting 站群’s advertisers with putting together display ads which bring results and sales. The more money 站群 and its advertisers bring in, the more profitable 站群 becomes. In my opinion 站群 beefing up its advertising is a direct target on the Yahoo & Microsoft partnership, as both companies, especially Yahoo, have strong display advertising networks和power在各种在线报纸上显示广告。既然站群借助站群Fast Flip(移动连接)以一种易于阅读的方式将新闻发布到手机和上网本上,那么请期待站群大力推动与这些相同的发行机构合作。


DocVerse –尽管仍处于计划阶段,但似乎站群将很快收购DocVerse,这是另一个协作工具,它使用户可以围绕Microsoft Office文档一起工作,这与站群Docs允许贡献者在Docs上进行工作的方式相同。电子表格。再一次,微软的另一番攻击,以及简化应用程序并使站群应用程序在2010年成为更强大服务的方式,尤其是在Microsoft升级Office Live时。

周末有传言称站群收购Yelp,这可能是自YouTube以来最大的站群收购。站群有史以来最重要的收购。 (



