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几年来,站群和平台上。他们在搜索引擎的整个生命期间中间中都是好的。站群首席财务官埃里克·艾特(Eric Schmidt)自2006年8月起甚至是苹果委会成员。




站群没有陌生人,以更新更多成熟的Compe *苹果**** S并出现在顶部。点案 - 微软。在搜索方面,他们一直在战斗,而微软的最新搜索 - Bing - Bing -


),站群仍然有更多的搜索,并且相当多。虽然微软有一个Advantage in the operating system and browser markets, with the majority of computers coming pre-installed with Windows and Internet Explorer, 站群’s raising some eyebrows with their Android OS and Chrome browser.

Battlefront #1: Music & OnDemand Media

When it comes to Apple, there is one thing that they’ve done that no one has been able to beat yet, and that is their苹果iTunes音乐商店。微软试图通过其Zune音乐商店超越它们,但并没有造成太大的损失。谣传一个站群音乐商店已有很长的历史了,在十月下旬,它似乎终于可以开张了。但是,当站群推出增强的新音乐搜索功能时,它并不是Apple的竞争对手。


尽管对于那些希望建立电台群的音乐商店来说,这可能是一个莫大的遗憾,但从电台群的角度来看,这是一个非常平稳的举动。站群不必担心版权以及与唱片公司和艺术家的谈判交易s. They simply funnel traffic to existing sources that they’ve partnered with. I assume there is a nice financial incentive for them to do so, and with this method there is the potential for profit with little risk involved.

That being said, I wouldn’t count 站群 out of the music business yet. They may surprise us all and keep the music card up their sleeve only to unveil it at a future date. If 站群 is getting into the game of selling netbooks and phones with their own operating system on it, what’s stopping them from creating their own music player and an operating system for an mp3 player? If that happened, then a music store would make more sense.

And don’t forget, with Apple, iTunes was a precursor for video downloads and rentals. Didn’t 站群 Video kickoff as a video micropayment marketplace? Don’t you dare think that 站群 has ultimately changed its overall goals in video & media sales (a direction Sony is pushng too).

Can anyone say YouTube?

Battlefront #2: iPhone vs. Droid

It’s bee自从谣言开始流传至今已有数年之久,站群将开始生产自己的手机。从一开始,他们就否认要涉足硬件业务。到目前为止,他们一直坚持到这一点–创建操作系统和程序,并将硬件制造留给其他人。

站群于2008年首次涉足使用其操作系统(Android)的手机,并在T-Mobile网络上推出了G1手机(HTC Dream)。紧随其后的是2009年在T-Mobile网络上的myTouch和G2。尽管有一群忠实的追随者,但有传言说Verizon Wireless将提供许多Android驱动的设备时,Android狂热才真正步入正轨。今年秋天,Verizon推出了一些新的机器人Android手机。现在看来,他们已准备好真正与苹果抗衡。


站群现在可以在多个网络上使用Android设备,ereas Apple still has the iPhone locked in with just one carrier – AT&T.

站群’s Android OS is open, where as the iPhone is locked down.

站群’s app store – Android Market – also does not require approval for applications.

This is very different than the way Apple operates – they require apps to be submitted and go through an approval process, something that developers have been none too pleased about.

Android, it appears, is a real game changer.

What’s especially notable about this is the fact the fact that they’ve been able to make some real headway in an area that has for years been dominated by a handful of operating systems. Symbian OS still dominates, followed by RIM (Blackberry), iPhone, and Windows Mobile. Nipping on the heels of Windows Mobile is Android, who is aggressive pursuing its two biggest compe*****s, Microsoft and iPhone. While Android captured just 2.8 percent of the market as of Q2 2009, it’s expected to increase with the release of the Droid phones at Verizon and the expansion in the mobile phone industry.

Droid is a Game Changer

I loved my Apple iPhone, and after I had gone through four of them, I’d had enough. Several of them were duds with various bugs rendering them impossible to deal with, and twice I a cracked the screen. AT&Ts unreliable service did not help matters either. I never upgraded to the iPhone 3G or the 3Gs.

Instead, I bravely switched over to an Android phone. I thought I’d miss my iPhone terribly, but after a week, I didn’t miss it at all and enjoyed the new freedoms that Android offered. I’ve dropped my G1 in all sorts of places, and have never experienced the heart-attack induced panic that comes with dropping an iPhone (if you’re under warranty Apple will give you a new phone for $200, if you’re not, you have to pay full price for a new one). It has a few scratches, but never once has its screen cracked. I suspect that others making the switch have had similar positive experiences.

Everything 站群 has launched in Desktop Search, Local, Maps, StreetView, 站群 Voice, FastFlip News … etc. now all makes sense as the OS of the Droid.

Battlefront #3: Internet Browsers & Operatng Systems

Apple has been in the internet browser game a bit longer than 站群. Apple launched their “Safari” web browser in 2003, when it became the standard, pre-installed browser on Apple computers. In 2007, Apple launched a mobile version of the browser, as well as verions that could be run on Windows XP and Vista.

For several years, 站群 pushed the Mozilla Firefox browser as a better alternative to Microsoft’s Internet explorer. In December 2008, however, they publicly launched their own browser – 站群 Chrome. So yes, they are a few years behind Apple in the browser arena, but 站群 has shown the world before that it’s not a deterrent or impediment to their success.

In January 2009, Safari captured 3.62% of the browser market. In November 2009, Safari had 4.36% of the marKet是Internet Explorer和Firefox后面的3号浏览器。


不让我,这不是Mac OS与Chrome Os的基本,它是针对上网本和移动寿市场的!


