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搜狗中文搜索引擎– Walkin’The Search Dog

SOHU.COM Inc.今天以新品牌SoGou推出了其全包,专有的搜索引擎,SoGou在中文中意为“搜索狗”。

”我们现在在中国推出新的“第三代”交互式搜索或“ 3G搜索”。我们已经建立了自己的核心搜索能力,可以在快速发展的中国市场提供这种新的搜索方式,而这一市场已迅速变得非常依赖互联网作为日常信息需求的主要来源。”搜狐公司董事长兼首席执行官张查尔斯说。 。

新的搜索引擎通过内置的尖端算法执行开创性的交互式搜索,该算法将SOHU目录的数十万个手动选择的高质量网站的搜索结果与引擎从全球资讯网搜狗搜索引擎。通过快速便捷的搜狗交互过程引导用户,以找到集成度最高的选择d website and page search results.

SOHU, which means ‘Search Fox’ in Chinese, started as a search engine seven years ago with a proprietary directory, but has since evolved into a comprehensive portal inclusive of communication, information, media and entertainment offerings to Chinese Internet users under that brand name. To have a direct appeal to Internet users when they do online search, the newly launched search engine has been named SoGou on a separate domain www.sogou.com

Online search marketing has great growth potential in China. Among the 21.6 million SMEs in China, only about 1.2% have adopted search engines as a marketing method, according to the 2003 Annual Report on Search Engine Marketing produced by Shanghai research company iResearch. Booming Internet usage, a burgeoning online advertising market and promising growth in e- commerce are likely to convince more businesses to join the ranks of the businesses that market themselves via sponsored online search.

”We are conf意识到我们现有和新的广告客户将实现搜狗实现的高度针对性的营销和高度相关的搜索体验的巨大价值,”搜狐搜狐业务副总裁王建军说。
