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It looks like Microsoft and Yahoo have finally agreed to a search and advertising deal. AllThingsD is reporting that an announcement will be made between now and tomorrow. Wall Street Journal is also running a similar story as well as Advertising Age. While both Yahoo and Microsoft refused to confirmed anything about this, the signs have been pretty much sent out the past couple of days. But perhaps Yahoo CEO’s comment about Bing gave away the validity of the said agreement微软搜索. Ms. Bartz openly congratulates Microsoft for what it has produced in Bing when Yahoo reported its Q2 Revenue Report. In addition, Ms. Bartz also said that Yahoo will be focusing on its web portal which is the company’s strongest online presence until now.

As for the details of the search and advertising agreement – it will be a revenue sharing deal but would entail Microsoft providing search technology on Yahoo sites as well as using its AdCenter as the backbone of both Yahoo and Microsoft advertising programs. Thi可能意味着雅虎的巴拿马,微软AdCenter和站群AdWords在在线广告市场上的竞争者已经结束。


