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黑莓 通过飞机,火车和汽车开展业务

Over the past couple of months, after merging Search Engine Journal and Search & Social, my business life as an SEO and online marketing consultant has changed a bit from the behind the scenes copy, coding and linking world, to add a bit more bizdev, management and of course, travel – which means I’ll probably be blogging on the business aspects of running a search agency more and more on SEJ.

After a week of four flights and various locations around the US, and even Russia last month, I’ve found that there are some very important essentials to making business travel easier and keeping on top of day to day initiatives a bit more tolerable. The most time spent in business travel is usually either offline (in the airplane or taxi) or in inconvenient locations; such as waiting at airport gates or hotel rooms with limited wifi- which means laptop usage is not always a reality.

Business Magazines

Unlike a good amount of business travelers, I tend to enjoy my unwired time in the airplane, and enjoy reading magazines about business management, which may not be about search, but always seem to give me some inspiration to apply to Search & Social in terms of staffing, traditional marketing, productivity and **art investments. Furthermore, after 7 years of blogging, my attention span does not allow for reading an entire business book, so I enjoy magazine format.

The two magazines I always make it a point to pick up are Inc. and Entrepreneuer. Recently Inc. has been reviewing different start up and funding projects like Ycombinator which I found very relevant to our company currently growing and expanding our offices. Furthermore, Entrepreneur just ran an awesome piece on Patron tequila, which was started 20 years ago by John Paul Dejoria, who is also the entrepreneur who started Paul Mitchell hair products with $700 when he was homeless and living in his car.

I think sometimes when we live in the SEO bubble, it’s very easy to build a business based on services and sca,但将其作为一个整体来研究并向其他行业学习可以不仅有助于使业务多样化,而且还可以帮助公司和品牌建立强大的实力。




黑莓手机的站群:首先,我不仅是黑莓手机的人,而且我还是一个手机站的人。我爱GMail,我爱站群日历。我真的很喜欢站群Blackberry App将站群Calendar集成到我的Blackberry Calendar中的方式,并使得在Blackberry上使用GMail非常容易。

对于利用站群应用程序的企业,Blackberry和站群将与用于BlackBerry Enterprise Server的站群应用程序连接器一同推出梅尔详细信息如下:

站群BES的Apps连接器目前处于测试阶段,并且将于2009年7月在站群Apps Premier Edition和Education Edition中公开提供。如果您想与Apps销售代表进行交流,请提交您的联系信息。








Jott for Blackberry Jott可以将语音文字转录为文本,非常适合在移动中听写想法,然后将转录结果通过****发送给您自己或您选择的对象,以及指向思想录音的链接。当我在飞机上甚至开车时,我无法数出脑海中涌现出的绝妙想法,而在正确驾驶时,我们所有人都有想法吗?

用于Blackberry的Merchant Warehouse:信用卡处理公司Merchant Warehouse上周刚刚发布了用于Blackberry的MerchanWARE,该功能提供了使用高度安全的蓝牙刷卡设备的功能,该设备带来了易用性,较低的处理成本和“开通”的安全性。去”的业务。我们在旅途中不会做太多的信用卡处理,但是您永远不知道会发生什么事情,或者在会议,机场或在酒吧间结识时会遇到谁。说真的,我无法数数 I’ve almost closed a sale on the road, whether it be for advertising on SEJ or a social media push via Search & Social, and the ability to whip out a card swiper and close the deal would be awesome.

TwitterBerry : If you use a Blackberry and use Twitter, install TwitterBerry right now. With TwitPic and other Twitter tool integration, Twittererry is a must.

Nuff said.

What Apps, tools, gadgets and other resources do you use to help you with on the go business management or just performing SEO for your clients or staying on top of current trends?
