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It can be difficult for the little guy to compete with corporations¾moderate SMB programs are no match for endless marketing budgets and the resulting inflated keyword costs. Working in an agency, I see this first hand every day. But I also see areas where **all business owners and franchise stores can compete if they become **arter with their strategies.

The following tips provide the framework for developing a successful and cost effective pay per click campaign.

Time/Day Parting – 站群 allows advertisers to determine the day of week or even the time of day they want their ads to display. This can be a very useful tool for **all business advertisers who know when their customers are most likely to look for their product or service. By setting your ads to display at only high performance times you increase the effectiveness of your campaign and reduce your costs.

Match Types – Gone are the days of simply adding keywords that are all set to broad match and hoping for a 返回。当然,投放更大的网络可以带来更多的流量,但同时也会浪费您的造价管理站预算。该流量的质量也可能会受到影响,具体取决于所选的关键字。尝试使用可用的匹配类型(尤其是完全匹配)来控制费用以及哪些搜索实际在显示您的广告。


地理位置定位–根据2009 TMP / comScore报告,80%的消费者期望其搜索结果中的企业位于其所在地15英里范围内。这**不适用于所有行业和地区,但应该为您提供一个起点等。重要的是要提一下,如果站群的定位粒度很小,那么您可能会在业务量不大的情况下定位您的业务,因为只有很少的人会看到广告。


