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seo BFF:用户和搜索引擎友好的网站

我目前正在阅读史蒂文·克鲁格(Steven Krug)的《不要让我思考》(一种常识性的网络可用性方法)。如果我还没有在口碑上出售产品,那么我正以一种易于理解的格式飞行这一简单事实足以提醒我,这个人对可用性领域了解一两件事。 。克鲁格肯定做出了明智的决定,使本书易于阅读,并带有大量的重要提示,这些提示将有助于改善任何网站上的用户体验。


氩气e the URLs descriptive and intuitive? If so, they are probably pretty decent from an optimization perspectiveseo.

Do you speak the same language that your site visitors and prospective customers use? Then you are probably on the right track.

Can you find all the important pages on your site by following links? Thereseo’s a good chance 站群 probably can too.

A few elements that Krug specifically outlined in his book are especially beneficial to SEO. Let’s revisit.

Clear Visual Hierarchy

User: helps to identify important pages on the site and important content on a page.

Search Engine: serves the same purpose as with the user. Top tier pages and content placed prominently on a given page is an indicator of importance and relevance. It can be assumed that content found buried in the site without obvious links from main pages is not as important as the content linked prominently from the home page, for example.

Intuitive Links & Obvious “Clickability”

User: helps to drill down to其他重要页面。




搜索引擎:在消除不必要的单词的同时,我们减少了行话,无关紧要的信息或不重要的信息,并且使用描述性关键字更容易做到。例如,B2B公司因使用模糊的术语(例如“解决方案”和“系统”)描述其产品而臭名昭著。潜在客户未使用这些关键字,而是在搜索g on more descriptive keywords and keywords surrounding a specific issue they need help with.

Page Names & Title Tags

User: describes the content on a given page and so long as they accurately describe the page content in relation to the user’s search query, ensures the user will not bounce as soon as they land on your site.

Search Engine: one of the most important areas of keyword placement and indicator of page relevance.

There are plenty more u****lity best practices that Krug covered and with much more depth than I’ve managed to squeeze in above. The point here is to remember that SEO is much more than making a site visible and website u****lity can also be a great exercise in your optimization efforts.

Rachel Andersen works for the Portland based SEM agency

Anvil Media, Inc

. She has expertise in all aspects of search engine marketing and specializes in SEO for large sites. Andersen has been responsible for the development and execution of dozens of search and so她在Anvil期间度过的社交营销活动。
