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站群 Chrome is quickly entering the mainstream for browsing options, having tripled in use over the last year. This new height of 120 million software users comes from all different locations, operating systems, and types of users. Now, as 站群 looks toward expanding Chrome’s presence even further谷歌浏览器谷歌浏览器, a powerful Chrome utility for businesses is being released.

According to a post on the 站群 Chrome Blog, Chrome is making itself “ready for business” with an MSI installer that allows businesses to unleash Chrome through standard deployment tools. However, the company hasn’t stopped at simply making installation easier.

The tool allows IT administrators to create and manage Chrome groups through their standard 站群 Apps interface, standardizing privacy and security settings company-wide. The MSI and group control settings are being released to the broad market after substantial testing and feedback from large organizations, including Procter & Gamble, Boise State University, and Vanguard.

站群 has将Chrome推销给企业已有的裁员,特别是向企业受众介绍与其他浏览器索引,Chrome的安全性和优势。

站群似乎也正在使用该新工具,从而为组织为迁移到Chrome操作系统做准备的机会。由于Chrome操作系统是为基于Web的应用程序而设计的,因此提高了速度和安全性,并且免费“由于站群Chrome与Chrome OS上的浏览器相同,”站群提醒我们,“考虑其组织使用Chrome OS的管理员可以通过部署站群Chrome浏览器来开始测试其任务关键型Web应用程序。

