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Have you heard about IM Spring Break? Well, if you live under a rock … somewhere in the middle of a desert with no cell phone signal or broadband connection, perhaps you have not.

IM Spring Break is proving to become THE hottest and most talked about Search Marketing Conference (well, mini-conference) in ages! Hosted by yours truly, Dave Snyder & Jordan Kasteler (the team who brought you ScarySEO), IM Spring Break will be a 3 day event from April 2nd to April 4th in beautiful Deerefield Beach, Florida (about 5 minutes from Ft. Lauderdale).

Why freeze in your online marketing tundra when you can hop on a plane and fly down to Florida and attend a premier search marketing conference for only $500 and a discount hotel rate of $119 per night!

With speakers like SugarRae (Rae Hoffman) rocking affiliate marketing & paid search, Zaibatsu 即时营销& Chris Winfield discussing social media marketing and Carolyn Shelby, Todd Malicoat & Brent Csutoras dropping SEO science, IM Spring Break c不能错过!


是的,为期3天的创新搜索营销讨论,演示,小组讨论和教学费用为$ 500…IM Spring Break是长期打击我们行业的最大便宜交易之一。


IM Broadcast正在通过博客模因竞赛来覆盖IM Spring Break的入场券以及一名幸运获奖者的即时营销房费。竞赛将持续到3月1日,您或您的一名员工将有机会赢取一张免费的IM Spring Break门票。会是你吗?
