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The Official 站群 Blog has just a published a brief explanation of the company’s environmental footprint. Saying that, contrary to the recent report, one 站群 search does not produce that high amount of CO2 (0.7 grams), but only 0.2 grams.

To prove that the company has enviromental programs aimed at protecting the environment活力, the post explained that 站群 is a fast search engine and it takes only 0.2 seconds to return search results and compared 站群 search’s energy consumption to the amount of energy that a body burns in ten seconds. It also reiterated that 站群’s data centers are energy efficient and the energy produced when doing search in 站群 produces a very minimal amount of energy.

In fact, 站群 was so into the welfare of the environment that it invested $45 million in clean energy technologies in 2008 through the 站群.org. In addition, 站群 has also established the Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal Initiative (RE

尽管该站点可以选择简单地忽略哈佛大学物理学家Alex Wissner-Gross的研究发现,但我们却为该站点发表了这样的官方声明而受到赞扬。我敢打赌活力,如果维斯纳·格罗斯先生没有收到站群的任何来信或反应,他将感到非常高兴。这样,将不会产生二氧化碳,也不会影响环境。
