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在另一个示例中,我们有一个为个人和企业提供服务的客户,而他们在前往站群的首页查找对他们的企业很重要的关键字短语时遇到了麻烦。因此,我们创建了充满实用帮助的迷你网站ps and hints, videos and links to valuable information. These mini-sites were created on keyword站群程序-rich domain names. We used very specific anchor text to link to relevant pages on our client’s website and in a matter of three months, our client started ranking for those keywords that they were previously having trouble getting to the first page of 站群 for.

For another client that specializes in miniature precision ball bearings, we created a Top 100 list of creative uses for ball bearings and sent it out. Some of the uses were so much fun that people created videos and uploaded them to YouTube and then asked us to link to them, which we did. Then we posted the list on Squidoo and allowed people to add their own uses. The list is still growing!

Bottom line – we all know how important incoming links are. There are plenty of ways to get links that don’t involve paying for them. Be creative – think about who you know and never be afraid to ask for a link!

Recommended Reading : Links & Traffic:你一定要给得到一些

Kandi M. Humpf是Site-Seeker,Inc.的企业客户律师,Site-Seeker,Inc.是一家位于纽约新哈特福德的互联网营销公司,为美国和加拿大服务。
