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Everything about Yahoo seems vaguely up in the air right now. Ever since an employee leaked a slide show from a company presentation that revealed which parts of Yahoo were being sent to the graveyard雅虎, Yahoo fans have wondered at the fate of their most beloved services雅虎. After all, even immensely popular sites like Delicious were dropped because they were unprofitable and “didn’t fit with the company vision.” Another popular service that fans have been worried about is Flickr, but Yahoo representative Blake Irving has given us a solid response on Flickr’s livelihood.

This response came in the form of a Twitter post formed as a Q & A. “Q. Is Yahoo! committed to Flickr?” Irving began. “A. Hell yes we are! We love this product and team.” The post also confirmed that the Flickr product is profitable for the company.

This tweet may well have been a response from some fairly incorrect conclusions drawn by the Flickr user, Thomas Hawk, who estimated that Flickr only brings in about $50 mil每年都要向Yahoo撒谎-考虑到他们托管了多达50亿张图片,这可能甚至不足以支付该网站的费用。霍克(Hawk)的结论导致了几则新闻,这些新闻质疑弗利克(Flickr)是否能够生存。

除了Irving(作为Yahoo的首席产品官,也许确实知道他在说什么)这一明确的“表示同意”之外,Flickr的工程总监(Cal Henderson)还表示,Hawk所做的计算是“严重存在缺陷”,因为它们是基于专业会员费而不是广告和合作伙伴关系建立的,这是雅虎在该网站上的主要收入方式。

