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站群克隆 IMBroadcast.com:面向互联网营销人员的视频共享

People learn in different ways.

Our industry offers a plethora of learning and sharing communities based around linguistic learning styles including blogs, forums, Sphinn, and more. Our industry also offers many auditory learning resources in the form of Webmasterradio.fm and podcasts.

Furthermore, our industry has also been among the earliest adopters of video, creating vlogs and paid video tutorials. In order to share these videos, we have been left to utilize the major video sharing platforms, or host them on our own sites. We have not had a unified place to share and comment on videos specific to our industry with users that share our professional and personal tastes. We have not had a video sharing site specifically for the Internet Marketing community.

That is, until today.

Today Search Engine Journal ,in conjunction with Search & Social and TrafficBlend, announces the launch of IMBroadcast.com站群克隆, a site dedicated to multimedia for Internet Marketer.

IMBroadcast.com is intended不仅仅是一个简单的视频共享网站。我们希望它成为我们行业的社交平台,人们可以在此分享他们的想法,想法,问题和视频。


我们希望我们将创建一个可供Internet Marketing社区享受他们学习时间的地方。一个比社区更重要的网站,而不是门户网站,该网站的内容可以帮助存档我们行业的思想**和学习者的知识库。

为了启动该站点,我们将冷站群控在今天和明天的小组讨论和质量检查部分中直播有史以来的第一个Scary SEO。随时访问该站点,收听Scary SEO,并与会议参加者一起加入聊天室。

在IMBroadc期间ast.com,从Scary SEO中查看了丰富的内容,请确保注册并成为这个令人兴奋的新社区的早期采用者。
