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工作方式 定义方式:操作员的工作方式以及如何将其包含在站群定义中



(no space) advanced operator is a very handy (yet not very widely used) way to quickly find the word meaning. However the algorithm behind getting included in 站群 definitions is unclear.

站群 states they use “various sources” to pull the definitions from:

Webmaster experiences with the operator claim:

no matter what you do, you can’t be sure your site will appear at 站群 definitions for some term;

however by testing and experimentation webmasters managed to single out some tricks that increase your chances to get ranked for



Let’s look into those tricks now:

to appear in a dictionary-like style the keyword should be followed by a colon and the comma-separated list of related words (remember my post on text relevance mentioning the similar mechani** behind 站群 Sets? Related words are those that frequently appear together in comma or

  • tag separated lists);

    create a separate page for your site key terms and include the following (or similar) words in the page title and the file path: “glossary,” “papers,” “library, “journal,” “definitions,” “dictionary,” etc.

    markup the glossary page the way it looked like a dictionary:


    , , < li>, and
    to separate the definitions;

    bold the words you are defining工作方式.

    A few more advanced tips:

    Don’t capitalize the first letter of the definition工作方式;

    Don’t start a definition with the word “see”;

    make it more than 5 definitions on the page;

    use tag to markup acronyms.
